Is There A Link Between Mental Illness and Being Sleep Deprived?. Anytime our bodies lack an essential requirement for optimal functioning, such as sleep, we will experience loss of attention, indecisiveness, lack of focus, poor balance and memory.
What happens when our bodies become sleep deprived over an extended period of time? Long periods of sleep deprivation could produce emotional, mental, and psychological deficiencies over the long haul; brain activity increases and can induce delusions and hallucinations.
Lack of sleep depletes our body's natural power reserves; that's why we feel cranky, irritated, nervous, anxious, and moody when our bodies do not get the normal amounts of sleep it needs to flourish. The body can heal and regenerate itself through the use of wholesome foods, vitamins and minerals, sufficient sleep, pure water, and any other components it needs for optimal health.
We are accountable for filling those needs. We own our bodies and have to live in them every single day of our lives, and in that respect we should be responsible caregivers for what goes into our bodies as well as what is lacking from within our bodies.
The difference between a deficiency and illness is that a deficiency is easily remedied by filling up that deficiency with what the body is lacking. Over time a deficiency will progress into a mental illness or disease if we don't take care of that deficit. By that time, we must deal with a mental illness and or physical disorder, often suffering much physical pain and mental sorrow in the process. Why wait?
Are You Getting Enough Sleep? One way to tell if you are in fact sleep deprived is to find a quiet spot where you can lay down and just rest for fifteen or twenty minutes with your eyes closed - if you have not fallen asleep within that time you probably are not sleep deprived.
Most of us that experience sleep deprivation will do something about it before it gets out of hand and causes immune deficiency break down. But some of us do not listen to our bodies warning signals and before long symptoms that could have been easily restored, develop into disease and disorders that cause much more havoc within our mental and physical makeup.
In the table below I list some of the short-term symptoms of sleep deprivation and compare those to the long-term symptoms of sleep deprivation. Why wait until symptom progress into something uncontrollable? Take care of your body now before it's too late.
Short Term Sleep Deprivation
Long Term Sleep Deprivation
The symptoms described above are generated from the body's lack of a basic need - sleep. I do not think we should label sleep deprivation as an illness until the root cause of the mental deficiency has been reached. If sleep deprivation continues, and you discover you may have a sleep disorder, then it is advisable to arrive at the root cause of that disorder and rectify it through whatever means possible before it begins to affect your body and mind in a major way.
Causes of Sleep Disorders:
The objective should be to repair and restore any deficiencies you become aware of rather than define it as an illness, where medications are usually administered that can then react negatively somewhere else within the body causing major physical and mental problems.
The good news is we can restore our body to ultimate health through the use of proper diet, cleansing, fasting, juicing, and sufficient exercise. We can still feel good, look great, and lead a active and fun-filled life if we take a little bit of extra time to take care of our mental and physical needs and listen to our bodies warning signals.
You are your body's best friend, be there for it, and be fit, active and happy. In the end it is between you and your body, God and your soul. Stay in touch with what you body is telling you, and you will in fact add YEARS to your life expectancy. ( )
What happens when our bodies become sleep deprived over an extended period of time? Long periods of sleep deprivation could produce emotional, mental, and psychological deficiencies over the long haul; brain activity increases and can induce delusions and hallucinations.
Lack of sleep depletes our body's natural power reserves; that's why we feel cranky, irritated, nervous, anxious, and moody when our bodies do not get the normal amounts of sleep it needs to flourish. The body can heal and regenerate itself through the use of wholesome foods, vitamins and minerals, sufficient sleep, pure water, and any other components it needs for optimal health.
We are accountable for filling those needs. We own our bodies and have to live in them every single day of our lives, and in that respect we should be responsible caregivers for what goes into our bodies as well as what is lacking from within our bodies.
The difference between a deficiency and illness is that a deficiency is easily remedied by filling up that deficiency with what the body is lacking. Over time a deficiency will progress into a mental illness or disease if we don't take care of that deficit. By that time, we must deal with a mental illness and or physical disorder, often suffering much physical pain and mental sorrow in the process. Why wait?
Are You Getting Enough Sleep? One way to tell if you are in fact sleep deprived is to find a quiet spot where you can lay down and just rest for fifteen or twenty minutes with your eyes closed - if you have not fallen asleep within that time you probably are not sleep deprived.
Most of us that experience sleep deprivation will do something about it before it gets out of hand and causes immune deficiency break down. But some of us do not listen to our bodies warning signals and before long symptoms that could have been easily restored, develop into disease and disorders that cause much more havoc within our mental and physical makeup.
In the table below I list some of the short-term symptoms of sleep deprivation and compare those to the long-term symptoms of sleep deprivation. Why wait until symptom progress into something uncontrollable? Take care of your body now before it's too late.
Short Term Sleep Deprivation
- Irritation and stress
- Apathy
- Lack of focus
- Inability to rationalize
- Anxiety
- Low immune system
- Accident-prone
- Dark circles and bags
- Moodiness
- Withdrawn
- Anger
Long Term Sleep Deprivation
- Nervousness
- Depression
- Lack of attention
- Hallucinations
- Panic Attacks
- Illness / disease
- Car or other major accident
- Noticeable signs of aging
- Temper tantrums
- Antisocial
- Violent outbursts
The symptoms described above are generated from the body's lack of a basic need - sleep. I do not think we should label sleep deprivation as an illness until the root cause of the mental deficiency has been reached. If sleep deprivation continues, and you discover you may have a sleep disorder, then it is advisable to arrive at the root cause of that disorder and rectify it through whatever means possible before it begins to affect your body and mind in a major way.
Causes of Sleep Disorders:
- Moving to a new city
- Changing jobs or careers
- Divorce
- Separation from a spouse or loved one
- Death of a loved one
- Anxiety and stress disorder
- Underlying fear
- Illness or disease
- Stressful lifestyle
- Lack of exercise
- Sleep apnea (snoring)
- Eating sugar before bed
The objective should be to repair and restore any deficiencies you become aware of rather than define it as an illness, where medications are usually administered that can then react negatively somewhere else within the body causing major physical and mental problems.
The good news is we can restore our body to ultimate health through the use of proper diet, cleansing, fasting, juicing, and sufficient exercise. We can still feel good, look great, and lead a active and fun-filled life if we take a little bit of extra time to take care of our mental and physical needs and listen to our bodies warning signals.
You are your body's best friend, be there for it, and be fit, active and happy. In the end it is between you and your body, God and your soul. Stay in touch with what you body is telling you, and you will in fact add YEARS to your life expectancy. ( )
S w e e t d r e a m s!
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